Wednesday, August 23, 2006

That's it

There it is. I have finnished reading the opinions for the last term, just as I begin law school. A couple thoughts. First, it seems more and more apparent that Justice Stevens' internal consistency baraometer is tweaked. He seems to be less concerned about following a consistent method of jurisprudence thanis to be expected. The conservative side of the Court (and lets see if I can do this in order, Thomas, Scalia, Alito, and Roberts) seem to be very interested to chip away at the exclusionary rule, and Kennedy is no real barrier, though there are indications that he will only go along with so much of that sort of thing. Kennedy certainly has taken O'Connor's swing vote position and is pretty unconcerned about the Court presnting one clear opinion. Of course, that was my big gripe about O'Connor, and her *$#& "balancing" tests, so I guess it's a wash. Oh, and I guess Roberts was being totally straightforward when he testified that he believed in a right to privacy. Of everything that can be said for his theories of the law, that doesn't seem to be a place where the left will have much copmlaining to do.

So long as I am on the soapbox, check out this article.


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